Climate Change

New Updates to our Website!


Once you go to our web site then please click on the tab Videos and Podcasts. You will see a drop-down menu: Symposiums, Podcasts, Media. All three of these pages now have great content to view and listen.


On the Symposiums page we have videos from both our symposiums at the Neel Performing Arts Center, “An Educated Person in 2035” from 1/18/20 and “A Leap Year Look at Climate Change” on 2/29/20. For both symposiums we have a short highlights video, the edited livestream of the entire events on the Neel stage, and also have individual presentations from both.


If you were not in attendance, please visit and view. If you were at either one or both you can go back and watch anew, keying on the presentations you might have missed.


Jason Voss has been hosting our initial podcasts and they are now up on the Podcasts page. These are all short, less than 30 minutes long. They are interviews with some of the speakers. You can listen from your computer or if you like podcasts when you walk, just click through to the web site on the browser on your phone and listen.


The Media page is where we will be putting media about The Sarasota Institute. The lone video up there now is yours truly being interviewed on WWSB-TV Channel 7 about the cancellation of “The New Health Age in the 21st Century” on March 7. I did get to speak about the Institute


Incidentally, I think we were the first entity in the U.S to cancel an event, when I did so around 12:30p on Monday 3/2. Two days later conventions were being canceled, and now, here we are, in a canceled America. As a futurist I take small pride in being the first to cancel.


So please visit the web site in your state of locked-down and stimulate your brain!




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