Climate Change

Make the Resolution to Face the Future in 2020


Many of us make resolutions at the start of a year.  At the very least, we pause and reflect on the passing of the year just lived and think about what might or could be different in the new year.


This year is different.


We are starting a new decade.  A decade that will be more disruptive than any in history.  There will be more substantive change between now and 2030 than in any 20-30 year period of the past.  Many people unwittingly get stuck into resisting change and hang on to the status quo or what they think “reality” is.  This is perhaps the greatest risk of all, particularly today. 


The only constant in the universe is change.  If there was no change, there would be no time.  Change occurs in the passage of time.  To resist the universe is not a good strategy for the living of a life.


Give yourself the gift of foresight this year.  Accept that change will happen and take a step to understand what lies ahead for you and for all of us.


Become a member of The Sarasota Institute, a 21st Century think tank.  We have chosen ten major areas of human endeavor as the focus of our vision to frame the big questions for Sarasota, the United States and humanity.  The next four months we will be producing four symposiums that will present the future of education, climate change, healthcare and medicine, and Democracy and Capitalism.


Here are the four symposiums



Here is where you can sign up for membership.


Membership will provide savings of up to 50%, guaranteed, reserved seating and full access to all whitepapers and videos.  Of course the primary reason to become a member is to open up and prepare for the incredible changes we are facing.


Face the future and be prepared, informed and excited about this new decade….. and century.


Join now! 




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