
The Consumer in the Age of Coronavirus

  The Sarasota Institute is focusing on how COVID-19 may affect some of the 10 categories listed across the top of this web site.  We are having virtual mini-symposiums on several of these during April and May.  In addition, we are publishing thought pieces taking looks into the future.   Here is a column about […]


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New Updates to our Website!

Once you go to our web site then please click on the tab Videos and Podcasts. You will see a drop-down menu: Symposiums, Podcasts, Media. All three of these pages now have great content to view and listen.   On the Symposiums page we have videos from both our symposiums at the Neel Performing […]


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COVID-19 and the U.S.: Short-term Probabilities and Long-Term Possibilities

[Preamble – As a futurist my mind is exploding with all the possible long-term disruptions inherent in the global COVID-19 reality. In addition, I have supplemented my 200+ inbound emails, content aggregators, research newsletters with some information provided to me by friends who are connected at the highest level of health executives nationwide.]   Short-term […]


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Will COVID-19 Help Us Deal with Our Climate Crisis?

I think so. Look how quickly society has changed over the last two weeks. What would it look like if the world responded to our climate crisis with a similar sense of urgency?   We have a big problem – and it’s not the pandemic or our climate crisis. Those are symptoms. It’s how we […]


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A Leap Year Look at Climate Change

The climate crisis symposium presented by The Sarasota Institute, a 21st Century Think Tank is now available to view at your convenience.  The full symposium was live streamed to the world all day 2/29/20 and the edited down version can now be viewed here   The event, named “A Leap Year Look at Climate Change” […]


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